About the Technology
The Acuscope is the Original Microcurrent TENS
(Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) Modality
Considered the category-creator when it was introduced in 1978, the Acuscope—now in its sixth generation—is still the most advanced therapeutic biotechnology in its field.
It is the only nerve stimulation modality to combine biofeedback input with microamperage output. As an Input/Output (I/O) device, it is programmed to acquire information from the tissue between the electrodes, analyze the data for abnormalities, and configure and deliver a corrective influence in gentle, biologically-compatible square waves of microcurrent electricity. By this process—which is completely comfortable—the Acuscope can restore healthier nerve transmissions throughout the Nervous System: boosting cellular metabolism, promoting regeneration of damaged nerve tissue, and resolving many stubborn pain and stress syndromes commonly seen today.

The Electro-Acuscope 80T

The Myopulse 75TN

The Myopulse 75T
The Myopulse is the Original Microcurrent EMS
(Electrical Muscle Stimulation) Modality
Introduced in 1983 and similarly unique in its field, the Myopulse is programmed to pick up biofeedback input from the connective tissue, analyze it, and deliver its output in pulse trains of biocompatible sinusoidal microcurrent waveforms—also soothing and comfortable. This read-treat process serves to help resolve issues in muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. After an injury, tissue damage, surgery, unidentified pain, restricted movement, joint inflammation, scarring, or from poor circulation, faster resolution and full recovery typically result from a series of treatments.
There are two calibrations of the Myopulse: one is programmed to treat the large body muscles; the other is calibrated to address small, superficial muscles, such as those of the head, neck, and face.
A Complete Neuromuscular Microcurrent Therapy System
Delivers Optimal Benefit
The Acuscope 80T, Myopulse 75T, and Myopulse 75TN form a complete system capable of stimulating both the nervous system and the body’s connective tissue with biologically-compatible therapeutic microcurrent. During Acuscope and Myopulse therapy, the technology detects abnormal tissue conditions and delivers precisely-tailored responses with each stimulation for a balancing and vitalizing effect. The combination of these unique microamperage instruments is the most effective and advanced biotechnological system available for accelerating natural cellular self-repair.

From top: The Myopulse 75TN, Electro-Acuscope 80T , and Myopulse 75T
Acuscope 80T
The Acuscope 80T is latest model of this renowned biotechnology, released in 2017. It offers expanded programming, now benefiting the Autonomic Nervous System in addition to the Central and Peripheral Nervous System. The Gain Spectrum has been refined for greater accuracy. Choice of Polarity available for the first time as an Acuscope control. The biofeedback capabilities are now more precise in the latest microchip programming, computerized analysis is enhanced, and resolution is even faster than ever.
Myopulse 75T
The Myopulse 75T is programmed to assess and resolve issues in large connective tissue structures such as hamstrings, glutes, biceps, calves, and back muscles, as well as hip, shoulder, and other joints. Produces immediate relief from tightness, knots, spasms. Painful issues are speedily resolved, strength and mobility restored. This sophisticated biotechnology is known among Sports Therapists and Trainers for accelerating recovery after injury and surgery.
Myopulse 75TN
The Myopulse 75TN is programmed to treat the smaller, delicate, more superficial muscles of the head, neck, face and the skin. It is ideal for treating issues such as TMJ, whiplash, traumatic brain injuries, and skin problems including scar tissue. This modality is popular with Estheticians offering the ultimate non-invasive Microcurrent Face Lift, producing rejuvenation to the facial features, contours, and skin tone that are unsurpassed by any other microcurrent device.
Who Uses This Technology
Healthcare Professionals in a Variety of Fields
- APRN/NP Nurse Practitioners
- RN Registered Nurses
- MD Medical Doctors
- ND Naturopathic Doctors
- DO Doctors of Osteopathy
- DC Doctors of Chiropractic
- RPT Registered Physical Therapists
- LMT Massage Therapists
- LAC Licensed Acupuncturists

Patients At Home for Self-Care
For many years, the Acuscope and Myopulse have been used at home to achieve optimal wellness: relieving pain issues, eliminating stress, and promoting better sleep. Physician’s prescription required.
Professional Sports Teams
The Acuscope and Myopulse have long been the secret weapon of Olympic athletes and professional sports teams. Since the early 1980s, Sports Trainers and Therapists for Super Bowl and Major League Championship winning teams have used this technology to accelerate injury recovery and to bring about faster and more complete post-op rehabilitation. It is now becoming widely accepted as an adjunct to conditioning programs even for uninjured players, promoting mental clarity, physical muscle tone, and strength.

Microcurrent muscle stim is within the Esthetician’s scope of practice; the Myopulse 75TN is the most advanced and effective microcurrent modality available. Around the world, Estheticians are offering the ultimate microcurrent face lift: rejuvenating skin and reviving underlying muscle tone. Facial features look lifted and younger. Eye bags, jowls, lines and wrinkles disappear.
The Benefits of Use
Whether Being Treated in an Office or Used in Your Home
If you are dedicated to not just managing, but eliminating the cause of painful conditions, this biotechnology is essential. It is greatly appreciated by patients, therapists, and doctors; even insurance companies recognize the benefits of accelerated recovery and reduced pain meds.
In addition, over the past 40 years, this advanced and sophisticated biotechnology has shown significant improvement in many cases otherwise considered hopeless and irreversible, including paralysis and stroke recovery.
Acute Pain Immediately-
After injury, Acuscope and Myopulse treatment reduces swelling and inflammation, fights wound infection, and produces immediate pain relief.
Repetitive Motion and Overuse Syndromes-
Persistent overuse of certain muscles can lead to stiff and painful joints.
When arthritis and neuropathy are reduced, pain disappears.
Beneficial Pre-surgical Preparation-
Prepare for surgery by relaxing the mind and optimizing circulation, simultaneously enhancing tissue vitality in the affected area.
Nagging Chronic Pain-
Improving tissue conductivity, reactivating cellular metabolism, and improving blood flow means even old chronic issues can be eliminated.
Mobility and Range of MotionAccelerate
Post-Surgical RehabilitationRevive
Neuromuscular Vitality and Boost Overall EnergyReduce
Anxiety, Sustained Stress, and PTSDRejuvenate
Nerves and Muscles at a Cellular Level-
A series of systemic well-being treatments improves bioelectricity, boosting nervous system and connective tissue vitality and restoring tissue to a healthier state.
Key Concept: Bioelectricity
Biological Electricity can be Measured and Improved
Microcurrent biotechnology grew out of the field of science called electrophysiology: the study of the electrical properties of cells. Scientists in this field recognize that living bodies are electrically wired, and that cells generate electricity referred to as bioelectricity.
The use of biocompatible waveforms and frequencies is based on the fact that every cell in the body generates measurable electrical currents. You are likely to be familiar with some of the more common biofeedback devices:
- brain (EEG)
- skin (GSR)
- heart (EKG)
- muscles (EMG)
Most people are unfamiliar with the electricity of the nerves, which is commonly measured by neurologists in a Nerve Conduction Study (NCS) or Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) test when there is pain.
The biofeedback acquired by the Acuscope carries information about both the electrical activity of nerve endings and nerve conductivity; this data reveals the underlying condition of the tissue. Where there is inflammation, tissue is in an acute state of self-repair, cellular activity is heightened, and fluids cause increased conductivity. Where there is a chronic condition caused by past injury—especially in scar tissue—cellular electrical activity is minimal.
EEG stands for electroencephalography, which is the act of measuring electrical activity on the skin of the scalp, in order to record the electrical activity of brainwaves caused by firing of neurons in the brain. Typically, a band of frequencies is recorded and analyzed because the frequencies within these bands are associated with particular brain states.
Applying gentle microcurrent transcranially (across the brain), Acuscope treatment at a frequency of 8 or 10 Hz generates brainwave frequencies within the Alpha range and a state of relaxation is experienced. Deep relaxation is known to be highly therapeutic and is therefore recommended for persons with painful physical issues. With persistent repetition, Alpha Brainwave Therapy can produce the ability to relax at will as needed. This is valuable for pre-op preparation and post-op recovery. Results of this Acuscope Therapy Procedure over a series of treatments include reduced stress, better sleep, a more cheerful outlook.

Familiar biofeedback devices: EKG

Familiar biofeedback devices: EEG

EEG waveforms and frequencies (above)

The Head Band accessory with Electrode contacts at Temporal Lobes

Ear Clips provide current movement side-to-side through the Occipital Lobes

Familiar biofeedback devices: EKG

EEG waveforms and frequencies (above)

Familiar biofeedback devices: EEG

The Head Band accessory with Electrode contacts at Temporal Lobes
Ear Clips provide current movement side-to-side through the Occipital Lobes
Key Concept: Microcurrent
Microamperage (μA) is the level of current generated by living cells
The Acuscope and Myopulse generate microamperage current (a microamp is one thousandth of a milliamp, or one millionth of an amp.) Microcurrents are continuously moving through living tissue. Microcurrent biotechnology generates the level of electricity scientifically proven to match—and therefore produce the most beneficial effect on—the body’s cells.
See the study by Ngok Cheng, et al to understand how microcurrent causes enhanced cellular metabolism by:
- increasing ATP production* (which milliamperage stimulation reduces);
- improving intra/extra cell membrane transport by cell membrane repolarization;
- helping to flush out metabolic wastes and bring in bioavailable nutrients through reactivation of the ion exchange process—the Sodium Pump Function;
- resulting in a boost to collagen and elastin production and protein synthesis which are necessary for tissue building and self-repair.
Our health depends upon the ability of currents to move freely throughout the body and brain. When electrical currents are blocked in the heart, brain, and/or peripheral nerves, fatal results can follow. The gentle push provided by biocompatible microamperage currents restores conductivity.
*Microcurrent reactivates dormant mitochondria in the cells, stimulating greater production of Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP, which is the reservoir of energy for the tissue, and fuels cellular metabolism. ATP is involved in virtually every activity of the cell including nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and protein synthesis. ATP is the fuel the cells require for self-repair and new cell growth. Microcurrent treatment naturally boosts this process, thereby assisting the body in restoring normal, healthy tissue.

Key Concept: Impedance Monitoring
The Only Self-Adjusting Microcurrent Equipment Available in Healthcare Today
When conductivity is blocked or reduced in the body’s tissues, we refer to that resistance as Impedance. The Acuscope and Myopulse are input/output devices, constantly detecting this impedance and using that biofeedback to immediately configure doses of microcurrent that are beneficial to the cells. This monitoring and adjustment is what sets the Acuscope apart from all other electrical stim devices.
When using the Acuscope, biofeedback input from the nerves regulates square wave output to the Nervous System. When the Myopulse is in use, biofeedback input from the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia regulates sinusoidal (sine wave) output to the connective tissue.
The goal of treatment is to return the tissue to a normal level of bioelectrical activity. When resistance is reduced, improved conductivity allows all types of tissue to more effectively use proteins and other nutrients for cell growth and self-repair. Restored bioelectricity levels are observable in the digital and auditory displays.
Similarly in both instruments, two electrode contacts are placed on the body in locations appropriate to the issue. The polarity of the electrodes reverses every two seconds—when one is positive, the other is negative—then they switch. This occurs continuously during treatment producing the following effect:
- Input – As the current moves in one direction—from the body into the Acuscope—information is being “picked up.” Utilizing Impedance Monitoring (IM) advanced nerve conduction biofeedback acquisition, proprietary programmed computerized circuitry first “reads” the condition of the cells.
- Analysis – Once biofeedback information is acquired, it is analyzed (comparative analysis) by the next microchip processor.
- Output – Then, the results are the foundation of a precision-calculated corrective influence. This Output is delivered into the cells via biocompatible microcurrent carrier waves.
Using the Acuscope

Digital display readouts on the Acuscope 80T

The Complete System, with the Myopulse 75T in use
A Similar Process Occurs Using the Myopulse
Microchip circuitry is programmed to acquire biofeedback directly from the connective tissue (muscles, tendon, ligament, fascia). This data is analyzed by comparison to the properties of normal myofascial cells. A corrective influence is then delivered via microcurrent sine (sinusoidal/sloping) carrier waves. The result is a measurable increase in cellular capacitance (the capacity of the cell to hold a charge). Improved electrical potentials of contractile cells is reflected in the numerical readouts, LED display, and corresponding audio tones.
Benefits of the Myopulse include:
- accelerated tissue self-repair
- prevention or retardation of tissue atrophy
- relaxation of muscle spasm, tightness and tension
- increased local blood circulation
- muscle re-education (strength and tone)
- increased range of motion
Key Concept: Operator Feedback
Digital Display and Audible Tones Allow for Intelligent Operator Control
A properly trained Acuscope Biotechnician can detect precisely where an acute or inflamed tissue condition is located and will know how to apply appropriate frequencies that can give a boost to help the body accelerate its natural, automatic efforts to self-repair. Following treatment, swelling is visibly diminished, fluids begin to disperse, and acute pain is immediately reduced.
To further the cellular repair job, depleted tissue surrounding the damaged area can be located and boosted back to a normal level of bioelectrical activity, thereby restoring homeostasis. This process requires an Operator’s understanding of the visual and auditory feedback produced by the Acuscope as it stimulates the Nervous System in general as well as the specific nerve endings in any painful area.
The Myopulse has a setting that provides the Operator with feedback regarding the condition of the underlying muscles and other connective tissue. The auditory tones heard when moving a Roller electrode or the Y-Probe over the skin surface using Auto Frequency will show where tissue is tight, constricted or recently injured in contrast to where it is weak, depleted and exhausted.
To remedy the condition according to the feedback received requires an understanding of the correct applications of appropriate Frequencies. See Training Options!
Click to Enlarge
Myopulse’s LED’s and Digital Display Readouts reflect varying transmission intensity and degrees of tissue conductivity.
The Cumulative Effect
Acuscope and Myopulse Treatments Cause Beneficial Tissue Changes at the Cellular Level
Between treatments, this subtle energetic adjustment is absorbed and utilized by the body. Each successive treatment further boosts cellular capacitance until it can reach and hold a full charge—like a trillion tiny rechargeable electrolytic batteries being put on a biological charger—supporting overall health as well as addressing specific issues and injuries. To achieve this result usually requires a series of treatments over days, weeks, or months if necessary in severe cases.
Unlike a pain-suppressing injection or oral medication, this biotechnology enhances the cells’ ability to self-repair by natural, non-invasive means. This may take time and persistence but the results are lasting with no negative side-effects. Recovery often occurs, which had previously been deemed impossible.
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