Contact us to make all of the arrangements for purchasing equipment and providing training.

We can advise on the best Accessory package for your practice, then prepare and submit a purchase order to the Manufacturer.

While you await the arrival of your system:

  • Your set of Training Materials will be sent to you immediately from Acuscope Technology & Training by USPS priority mail.
  • You will be provided a link to the Online Training Program.
  • A flash drive and a link to Google Drive provides immediate access to the Manuals and background reading materials.
  • You can prepare your treatment room for the arrival of your system by ordering any supplies required. Visit our Supplies Page for details.
  • Zoom or FaceTime Training Sessions begin once the Acuscope and Myopulse(s) arrive.

Note: If you are not a healthcare professional and will be purchasing the equipment for personal use at home, a physician’s prescription is required.