56 year-old Male: Diabetic Ulcer

Presented with a sizable diabetic foot ulcer and painful infection on his leg that had persisted with no relief from other options. After three months of treatment, the ulcer portion is now a small, hardened scab nearly at the end of its process. He has suffered for a long time with staph on his leg [...]

56 year-old Male: Diabetic Ulcer2023-09-29T16:00:34+00:00

62 year-old Male Veteran: Various Pain Syndromes

"I’m a 62 yr old male. I have had two surgeries on my left shoulder, one upon my right shoulder. Additionally, I was bitten by a rattlesnake 17 years ago and have had 3 bone grafts to treat that issue. In November 2011, I had an opportunity to have this treatment for my ailments. As [...]

62 year-old Male Veteran: Various Pain Syndromes2023-09-29T16:00:39+00:00

50 year-old Female: Doctors say there is no cure

Has a disorder causing hardening of the skin, affecting her calves and tops of the feet to her toes. Her legs were red and blotchy and even had some open sore eruptions on the calf.  She could not sleep through the night and even the feel of the sheet on her legs was extremely painful. [...]

50 year-old Female: Doctors say there is no cure2023-09-29T16:00:45+00:00
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