Essential Supplies

Highly Recommended Necessities in any Acuscope-Myopulse Treatment Room!

This list has evolved over years of experience helping practitioners to set up great Acuscope and Myopulse treatment rooms. Our goal: to make it the best possible experience for the Operator and for those receiving treatments. Folks using the equipment at home require the same items for safety, comfort and convenience.

Surge Protector

An Absolute Requirement to Protect Your Technology

A sudden power surge, spike, or other electrical abnormality may be harmful to the charger, battery, charging circuitry, or other components.
Better to be safe than sorry! These choices are practical because the Acuscope and Myopulse charger modules are bulky.
Outlets are spaced far enough apart to accommodate the three chargers of a complete three instrument system.

Shopping List: One surge protector (choose any style below).

Tripp Lite Surge Protector

Plenty of room for all three Charger Modules to plug in.

Anker Surge Protector

Affordable protection from Anker.

ALESTOR Surge Protector

Heavy-Duty plug makes necessary plugging and unplugging easier.

Conductive Solutions and Creams Supplies

For Applying Metal Electrodes to Skin

Treatment requires an interface of specially formulated Conductive Electrolyte Solution and/or Cream provided by the manufacturer. Having the items below in our treatment room enables us to best use and apply them.

Shopping List: One set of solution cups (100 count), one set of scoopers (100 count), and one or two spray bottles.

Electrolyte Solution Cups

Small plastic cups are ideal for dipping probe tips into Solution and for mixing Solutions and Creams together using a small spatula. Also, if any product is left over at the end of treatment, the airtight cap will prevent oxidation and preserve it, still fresh for use during the next treatment (of the same person).

The Order button below will take you to the best cups on Amazon.  Be sure to order the correct size: 3.25 oz.

Electrolyte Cream Scoopers

Keep a supply of these small spatulas handy to scoop Conductive Cream out of a jar.

No double-dipping; avoid contamination!

These plastic spatulas are perfectly flat so Cream applies to the skin easily and completely. Other types have a small cup-like scooper which doesn’t work well for our purposes.

Small Water Spray Bottle

Keep a small spray bottle filled with distilled water on your equipment cart.  It is used to re-wet Solutions and Creams on skin during treatment.  The fine, light mist from this little bottle is perfect for use with the treatments we do.

Brushes and Holders

We Need 3 Brushes For Applying Creams & Solutions

One for applying Pre-Treatment Cream, one for Conductive Treatment Creams/Solutions,
and one for After-Treatment Cream.

Shopping List: Three brushes (either style) and three brush holders (order two sets of two).

Most Highly Recommended

Grumbacher 1″ Stroke
Professional Grade

Silky smooth brush feels great
when spreading Solution/Cream
over skin surfaces.

Another Less Expensive Option

Acrylic handle with ergonomic styling and non-slip rubber grip. Somewhat stiffer bristles, narrower brush.

Brush Holders

Lightweight, white plastic corn cob holders are perfect for setting down your three brushes. Stack clean and ready-to-use. During use, place one brush in each holder:

1) Pre-Treatment Cream;
2) Treatment Solutions & Creams;
3) After-Treatment Cream

Sold in sets of two. Since you need three holders, be sure to get two sets!

Equipment Care

Protect the Life and Functionality of Your Accessories

It is imperative that the metal electrode surfaces contacting the skin be clean and free of any residue that could compromise optimal transmission of the microcurrent entering and leaving the body. In addition, Solutions and Creams remaining on the electrodes after treatment may corrode and/or pit the metal surface if not thoroughly removed.

Shopping List: Minimum one of each of these three cleaning products.

new restoro
The Best Product for Copper/Brass Alloy (Gold-Colored) Accessories

This non-toxic formula will clean and polish any metal electrode (especially necessary for the copper/brass alloy) and restore a smooth, shiny condition. Use after each and every treatment. Use just before treatment if oxidation on the metal surface is apparent.

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Hand Wash Soap for Chromium Alloy (Silver-Colored) Accessories and Brushes

Use a soft tooth brush and a drop of this clear glycerin-type, natural hand soap to clean all chromium alloy (silver-colored) accessories, Ear Clips, Head Band cups, Solution/Cream applicator brushes, plastic cups, scoopers, etc.

Soap for Cleaning the Oral Probe

Use this dishwashing soap to clean your Odonton (oral/mouth) probe. Just as you would wash your silverware at home after having guests over for dinner.

Electrodes Tape and Wrap

For Adhering Mini-Plates and Securing Large Plates

Keeping Placement Electrodes in place requires taping them on securely. These are the best choices for a variety of reasons.

Shopping List: One or several rolls each of 2″ and 4″ tape, and Coban wrap.

The Best 2″ Cloth Tape I’ve Found: Perfect Size, Not Too Sticky,
Easy to Tear!

Pre-perforated means that one piece of this size tears off into a 2×2″ square. Precisely the right size for taping on the 1×1″ Mini-Plates.

3M Medipore Hypoallergenic soft cloth tape adheres well to skin yet is gentle to remove. It is breathable and water-resistant.

The Best 4″ Cloth Tape I’ve Found: Perfect Size, Not Too Sticky,
Easy to Tear!

Pre-perforated means that one piece of this size tears off into a 2×4″ strip. Great for the 1×3″ Mini-Plates or for taping on any of the three sizes.

3M Medipore Hypoallergenic soft cloth tape adheres well to skin yet is gentle to remove. It is breathable and water-resistant.

Self-Adhering Wrap: Coban

A stretchy overwrap that adheres securely to itself, ideal for keeping Mini-Plate Electrodes in place on an arm or leg, or wrapping around the Large Plates when the feet or hands are unstable.

Each roll is 4″ wide and 5 yards long, fully stretched. Comes in a variety of 6 attractive colors.

Washcloths and Hand Towels

Must Have a Supply of These; Preferably Plain, Thin Terry Cloth

Keep these folded differently to identify which purpose they are used for . . . the cleaning cloths will look slightly stained after being washed. Some folks choose to use the white ones for cleaning the electrodes and have pastel-colored ones for washing Creams/Solutions off the skin. Hint: use BIZ with your laundry detergent to get wash cloths and towels (especially whites) as clean as can be.

Shopping List: One pack of white washcloths; one optional pack of pastel washcloths; and one or two packs of white hand-size towels.

White Wash Cloths

Wash Cloths are used for several purposes:

  • polishing brass alloy tips and electrodes using Restoro;
  • as a “hot wet wash cloth” used for cleaning Conductive Electrolyte Solution and Cream off of the skin after treatment;
  • folded in half and half again into a square; use as a place where the electrodes being used can be set down during a treatment session.
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Pastel Washcloths

It requires a “hot, wet washcloth” to remove Creams/Solutions from the skin after treatment. Colored ones are often preferred for this purpose. This set is bright pastel colors. Amazon has other color schemes to choose from to suit your treatment room décor.

new hand towels
Hand-Size Towels

Hand-Size Towels are used for several purposes:

  • draping over clothing and tucking in;
  • on the floor under Large Foot Plates being used with Conductive Solutions that may drip off the sides;
  • on top of pillow on lap where hands/electrodes are placed;
  • also, for use on top of instrument, on shelves of Roll Cart, and Supply Cart, etc.

Heavy-Duty Equipment Roll Carts

A Sturdy, Three-Tier Equipment Cart for Stacking the Acuscope, Myopulse(s), and Accessories

Just one instrument or all three (the Acuscope 80T, Myopulse 75T, and/or Myopulse 75TN) can be safely and securely stacked on the top shelf. The two lower shelves help keep all of your accessories and supplies neat, organized and available when moving from place to place.

Shopping List:
One heavy-duty equipment roll cart (either style).
Perfect Size for the Clinical Model Instruments

Here’s another good cart, very inexpensive, nice color, and in stock for immediate delivery.

Available in a variety of colors.

cart static
Perfect Size for the Clinical Model Instruments

For those that prefer to order from Amazon, this is a great cart to choose.

Be sure to select the Medium Size; Three Shelves.

Light-Duty Supplies Cart

Lightweight Carts for Supplies ONLY**

Keeping supplies organized on a small, movable cart is an option (instead of having these items on the main equipment roll cart with all of the Probes and Electrodes). We suggest that you place a white hand towel on each of the three tiers for a clean space to lay out the Solutions and Creams, water spray bottle, Solution cups, spatulas, tissue box, brushes, three brush holders, wash cloths, hand towels and a roll of paper towels. Easily moved and placed next to you during treatment for quick, convenient access. Note: a plastic cart is preferable to metal so as not to attract any EMF to the treatment zone.

**NOT TO BE USED to hold the Acuscope and Myopulse units. See Heavy-Duty Equipment Roll Carts for that purpose.

Shopping List: One light-duty supplies cart (choose any style below).

Supplies Cart – White

Casters have lockable wheels. An inexpensive and quick-to-ship option.

new supply cart
Supplies Cart – Available in Translucent Pink or Clear

Also on casters with lockable wheels. A translucent crystal look.

Cord Management

Hang Your Straight Lead Wires, Ear Clips, and Headband Leads

Don’t waste time untangling wires or risk damaging leads with inevitable tangles if kept on a shelf! This is a really great solution! A single over-the-door coat rack or some well-placed wall-mount hooks will allow you to safely store and access your wires with ease.

Shopping List: One set of hooks, either over the door or wall-mount.

Over-the-Door Hooks

Hangs over the door. Many styles available. Search Amazon below.

Single Hooks – Very Versatile

These single over-the-door hooks are a versatile option and their flocked covering offers extra protection for wires.

Wall-Mount Hooks

If you would prefer to mount your cord hanging rack on the wall, there is a huge selection of styles to choose from.

Treatment Table

You Must Have Easy Access to Treat Any Area of the Body, Arms, Legs and Head

A wide, sturdy, adjustable-height treatment table (not electrical) with face cradle provides comfort and accessibility during treatment.

Shopping List: One treatment table.

Earthlite Harmony DX
Massage Table

When it comes to your treatment table, you want quality and longevity without unnecessary bells and whistles. This is a great value, from a website that only offers products from reputable companies.

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Earthlite Avalon XD
Tilt Massage Table

The quality and longevity we expect from Massage King, with the added ability to raise the head of the table, which is a great option. Note also there is a Face Cradle for this one (not shown in the photo).

The Ultimate Treatment Table

A great investment to ensure your Acuscope and Myopulse sessions will be safe and incredibly comfortable!

A treatment table with 11 different backrest positions, adjustable height, the highest density foam available on the market today, European beech wood frame (free of formaldehyde and carcinogens), capacity of 750 lbs.  Accessories include: master adjustable face cradle; memory foam ErgonomicDream face cushion; plush neck bolster; fully padded and detachable arm rests.

Kneeling Chair

Easy Access to Treat the Neck, Shoulders, and Back

A Massage Chair or ergonomic Kneeling Chair provides comfort and accessibility.

Shopping List: One massage chair or kneeling chair, or both.

Portable Massage Chair

Ideal sitting position for treating the back, shoulders, neck and all along the Spine.

Face in the face-cradle sitting upright is a more comfortable angle for anyone who is uncomfortable lying face-down on a treatment table. Ergonomic position for the Operator when applying the Myopulse in a massaging movement, especially across the upper back, tops of the Traps and all around the shoulders.

Alternative Seated Treatment Position

A Kneeling Chair is great for a person receiving back, upper back, & shoulder/neck treatments! Or for Trans-Cranial Eval/Treatment with two Probes.  Comfortable for prolonged sitting (be considerate of knee issues).

Items for Comfortable Treatments

The Experience of Acuscope and Myopulse Treatments Will Be Relaxing and Comforting with the Addition of These Items

Deliciously soft microfiber face cradle covers, a warm and fuzzy full body blanket, and an eye mask will make treatments even more comfortable.

Shopping List: One pack of microfiber face cradle covers; one soft and fuzzy large blanket; one eye mask.

Disposable Headrest Covers

When lying face down on a treatment table, these Headrest Covers provide a comfortable surface for the face cradle.

For Acuscope or Neuroscope Relaxation Sessions, place a Disposable Headrest Cover over a Neck Pillow (behind the head) for cleanliness as well as to catch any drips of solution.

Fleece Throw Blanket

For warmth and comfort during Relaxation Sessions.  Bedsure Sherpa Thick and Warm Blanket for Winter. Soft and fuzzy, 50 x 60 inches.  Comes in a wide variety of colors to match your room décor.

Gently-Weighted Eye Mask

UNSCENTED microbead pods and premium plush materials make this Eye Mask incredibly soft and comfortable. For use during Relaxation Sessions. Provides the precise amount of pressure to contour to the eyes for 100% blackout design, helping you relax or even fall asleep. Suitable for treatments while lying face up or even on your side. A must-have for use with Ear Clips or Headband procedures!

Wedges for Back and Knee Support

Patient Position During Treatment is a Top Priority

With these additions, your treatments can be provided in both comfort and safety.

Shopping List: One wedge set including knee support; or one wedge and one knee wedge pillow.

Axelrod Orthopedic Wedge Set

Ergonomic design, multifunctional support system, comes in six colors.

OasisCraft Bed Wedge Pillow

Measuring 23” wide and 12” deep; 7-in-1 foldable design that can change its angle to suit different situations. Cover is removable and washable. Important feature: flat end touches treatment table surface which is best for use lying back with feet on Large Plates (knees bent). Other wedges have rounded end which does not suit our purpose.

wedge pillow
Therapist’s Choice Elevating Knee Rest Pillow

Ultra-lightweight! Easy to place under the knees. A very comfortable choice for this purpose! An absolute must-have for any treatment space.

Backrest and Pillows

Every Treatment Room Should Have a Collection of Comfortable Pillows

These pillows serve a multitude of purposes across a wide range of treatments.

Shopping List: Two standard pillows, one backrest, one or two neck pillows.

Standard Size Pillows

Meoflaw Luxury Hotel Pillows – Set of 2
Place one or two pillows under the head when lying face up on the treatment table. For many of the treatments we do seated on a chair, place one pillow on the lap (covered by a hand towel).

Backrest with Arm Support

Can be used during any back-lying treatment, especially for Relaxation Sessions with Ear Clips or Headband. Also, if flipped over, it is comfortable for the Patient to rest their stomach and chest on for a back treatment.

Neck Pillow

The type used for airplane travel:

  • Use to further cushion the treatment table face cradle when the Patient is lying face-down with a pillow under their chest.
  • In a face-up position, place with the curve under the back of the Patient’s neck for extra head comfort.
  • Excellent to support the head if a Patient must sit upright for a Relaxation Treatment; it will support their head should they fall asleep.
  • Also useful—placed on a Tray Table—for securing the heavy Grand Single Roller under a hand. Cover the pillow with wash cloth or towel under the electrode. (See image above.)

Bar Stools and Foot Stools

For Your Comfort and Reach While Giving Treatments

The Operator may wish to sit on a bar stool at times when giving treatments to someone on a Massage Table. It’s good to vary positions for your own well-being! Be sure to have one or more footstools in your treatment room.

Shopping List: One bar stool and at least one foot stool.

Winsome Wood Bar Stool in Rustic Teal

This one is both solid and decorative. Many variations of Bar Stools are available.

Costway Set of 2 Adjustable Swivel Barstools

Here’s an elegant, ergonomic solution for the Operator’s back support and comfort. Adjustable height.

This Foot Stool Has a Non-slip Rubberized Platform and Reinforced Rubber Tips on the Feet, 330 Pound Capacity

It is good to provide a step up for the patient getting onto a treatment table. Be sure to put a towel on the surface if your patient is barefoot.

When you are standing and giving a treatment, it is important to place one foot up, then switch sides now and then, to save your own back!

Also, you can sit on a stool this height if you are treating the lower extremities of a patient seated in a chair with feet on the Large Plates on the floor.

Folding Chairs and Tray Tables

Space-Saving, and With a Multitude of Uses

A folding chair is ideal for many purposes:

  • It is useful during treatment sessions which require a person to be sitting, back supported, with feet on the Large Plates on the floor.
  • It provides an easy solution for a neck/shoulder treatment if you do not have the ergonomic kneeling chair.
  • Having two folding chairs allows the Operator also to sit while applying a Probe treatment with one hand, reaching front panel controls with the other.
  • It can hold the Patient/Client’s belongings.
  • It can simply provide seating for a visitor during a treatment session.
  • Folding chairs store easily when not in use.

Shopping List: Two folding chairs, two tray tables.

Metal Folding Chairs

Flash Furniture 2 Pack HERCULES Series Premium Curved Triple Braced & Double Hinged. Available in Gray, Burgundy or Blue Fabric.

Solid Wood Frame Folding Chairs

Giantex Set of 2, Foldable with Padded Seat, Max Load 400 Lbs., No Assembly, Easy to Store.

TV Tray Tables

These collapsible tables set up easily and are handy for:
1) Placing Reference Notebooks in view during treatment.
2) Placing next to Treatment Table when using the Grand Single Roller under the Hand. To accomplish this, place a soft pillow or neck pillow on the table; hand towel on the pillow; Roller securely in place at the proper angle for the Patient to comfortably place their hand.


It’s the Little Things

A few things that are easy to overlook but that matter when you need them.

Shopping List: One pack each of soft toothbrushes, select-a-size paper towels, and facial tissue.

Soft Toothbrushes

Use this or any other soft toothbrush—along with the soap recommended above—to clean the Accessories after each use.

Select-a-Size Paper Towels

The perfect size for use with the Large Plate Unit; also handy for spills, etc.

Any brand is fine as long as they tear off in small sheets in this way.

kleenex small box

A staple for any treatment room.  Any brand is fine.

A Few More Items

For a Great Treatment Room

These things are practical and beneficial.

Shopping List: One mirror, one set of flameless candles, and one to four pictures of nature scenery for the walls.

Lighted Makeup Mirror with Magnification

Many treatment procedures include applying electrodes to the face. For self-treatment especially, this mirror is a valuable addition to a treatment room. For example, the sides can be angled for Auricular self-treatment allowing you to see your own ear clearly.

Flameless Candle Set

When dimming lights for Relaxation Treatments, it is important to still have some gentle light to see by. These flameless candles provide the beauty of a real flame without smoke or risk of fire. Battery-operated and remote-controlled for ease.

Nature Scenery

Nature scenery on the walls is simply more relaxing to look at than pictures of anatomy! Highly recommended that you find images with color schemes and vistas that make YOU feel calm and serene. The people you treat will be smiling before you begin. Many choices on Amazon.


For Clients During Treatment

It is a great idea to keep a little basket of these items available to sell or give as a gift. Let your long-haired clients pick their favorite color and ask them to please bring their headband and hair wrap with them each time they return for treatments. A strapless top is a must to wear by women receiving treatment around the upper torso, shoulders, and neck.

Shopping List: One twelve-pack (or more) of stretchy cotton headbands; a selection of turbie twist long hair wraps; several terry spa wraps.

yoga headband
Soft Cotton Headbands

The last thing you want when treating around the head, neck, and face is to be struggling with your client’s hair falling onto Conductive Solution. An adjustable, breathable, lightweight soft cotton headband is the perfect remedy.  Great to use during Relaxation Sessions using Ear Clips or Headband Electrodes.

This collection has a lively variety of colors for your clients to choose from!

Turbie Twist Microfiber Hair Wrap

Even while wearing a headband, stray strands of hair can become loose, so a Turbie Twist is a comfortable, quick and easy way to ensure this won’t happen during a treatment to the shoulders, upper-back, head, neck and/or face.

bath wrap
Terry Spa Wrap

Your female clients should be modestly covered at all times during treatment. But not everyone will arrive in clothing that makes upper torso, shoulders and neck easily accessible. 

Having a supply of these inexpensive and machine-washable wraps on hand provides the perfect cover-up solution.


For Operators

We are aware that the Acuscope and Myopulse System still exists outside the mainstream of western medical thought. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the Acuscope Operator to project the greatest possible sense of capability, professionalism, and expertise to their clients.

Over 45 years of experience, we have found that the daily uniform of the Acuscope Operator that best fulfills this need is a simple set of scrubs.

Shopping List: Enough scrubs to comfortably work 1-2 weeks in your practice. Buy multiple sets in a variety of colors to mix and match tops and bottoms.

Just Love Scrubs

The button below is linked to our favorite manufacturer: Quality materials, durable, comfortable. Great colors and styles to choose from.

minty scrubs
Minty Mint Scrubs

Stretch scrubs with tapered Jogger Pants. Activewear performance fabric features four-way stretch, moisture wicking athletic fabric, cooling touch and fade resistant vivid colors.

Cherokee Scrub Set for Men

4 Pocket V-Neck Scrub Top with 5 Pocket Tapered Leg Cargo Pant

Made from lightweight and extremely soft materials. This wrinkle-resistant set features easy-to-clean material that will hold up after multiple washings and maintain a clean, professional look.

Live Plants

It is My Personal Belief that Living Plants Provide a Myriad of Benefits

It is a great concept to have live plants producing oxygen for you and your Patients/Clients to breathe in an enclosed indoor space like your treatment room. If natural sunlight is minimal or even non-existent in your room(s), you can still have live plants thriving, cleansing the air and delivering fresh oxygen into the environment—we all must breathe! Add Full-Spectrum Lighting that mimics sunlight and you can have as many plants as you wish!

Shopping List: Three plants is ideal for starters in a treatment room. The ones in this section are hardy and easy to maintain. Amazon also has a variety of plant containers to match your décor.

Philodendron Brasil

My favorite plant! Heart-shaped leaves; each uniquely patterned leaf emerges in three brilliant shades of green. Abundant production of leaves. Stunning indoor air purifier.

Philodendron Cordatum Heartleaf

Attractive, heart-shaped leaves. This is the one most often found in garden stores. It is the original and always popular.  The vines are prolific, providing more and more leaves which means more oxygen!

Golden Pothos

Continually producing vines.  Available in a variety of greens, from light to dark.  Pothos is the foundation of a fresh air space.  Leaves can grow very large using Eleanor’s VF-11 Plant Food (see below).

Plant Care

Plants Need Food and Water

Instructions for Success: Mist leaves daily with spring water (available wherever you buy groceries). Water soil thoroughly when it feels dry—typically once per week—adding one capful of Eleanor’s VF-11 to each pitcher of water. DO NOT allow pot to sit in water or roots will rot.

Shopping List: Several bottles of Eleanor’s VF-11, 1 mister, 1 watering pitcher.

Eleanor’s VF-11

THE VERY BEST liquid indoor Plant Food available is Eleanor’s VF-11!

I’ve tried them ALL over the years, and this one truly makes plants thrive!

Use one capful in a pitcher of water each time your plants are thirsty.

Click here to better understand why this highly recommended liquid plant food works so well.

Two-Quart Watering Pitcher

Mix one capful of Eleanor’s VF-11 in this size watering pitcher to keep your plants happy and healthy.

Fine Mist Spray Bottle in Green

Mist leaves daily with spring water (available by the gallon in your grocery store’s water aisle.)

Full-Spectrum Lights

Lights that Mimic Sunlight

Instructions for Success: Place plants close together. Position a full-spectrum light to shine on the leaves from a distance of of 3-4 feet. Use a timer to turn the light(s) on around sunrise and off around sunset. These bulbs provide ample light for plants to produce abundant oxygen and clean/filter our breathing spaces by absorbing carbon dioxide. Be sure the air in the room circulates well to distribute into breathing spaces.

Shopping List: One full-spectrum bulb for each lamp, 1 or more standing lamps and 1 timer.

OttLite Screw-in Bulb

An alternative to the OttLite Lamp, a Full-Spectrum Bulb can replace the bulb in virtually any standard lamp fixture.

Read the incredible story of Dr. Ott >>

Adjustable Standing Lamp

This flexible metal floor lamp can be fitted with a full-spectrum bulb, and has a mechanical switch, making it perfect for pairing with a timer. Position and angle these lamps in each of your plant spaces.

Power Strip with Timer

*This CANNOT replace the dedicated surge protector used with the Acuscope and Myopulse.
What it CAN do is provide power on a timer to four plugs at once and constant power to four others! Plug all your full-spectrum lights into the timer side and you can power other devices with the always-on side. Incredibly useful. Set on and off for sunrise and sunset and adjust as necessary.

Safe Indoor Exercise

Self-paced, self-regulated, safe cardio using a “mini-trampoline” – but NOT for jumping!

Simply step, march, lift one foot at a time, or rock from side-to-side on the rubberized surface. No jarring impact on the spine, joints, or organs. Safely improves Lymphatic Circulation. Fun with your favorite music!

Shopping List: 1 rebounder, 1 stabilizing bar, and 1 spring-covering skirt

The Needak Rebounder

The best by far. Other brands on the market have been known to break and collapse or the rubberized surface wears out with avid use. Needak uses only the highest quality, sturdiest metal parts, indestructible springs/hinge design and safest, most stable rebounding mat material. Health Professionals can feel confident in having and recommending this reputable product.

Stabilizing Bar

Holding onto the Stabilizing Bar makes Rebounder exercise secure and safe for everyone. It is especially important for those still in pain or not yet finished recovering after surgery. Be sure to order this as well.

Frame Skirt

This “Skirt” covers the springs and is available in several wonderfully-bright colors.

Any questions?

Questions about the supplies?
Want help setting up the perfect treatment room?
No matter what, we are here for you!