What will the treatment feel like?

The Acuscope delivers a level of electricity that is below the threshold of perception.  In other words, you most likely will only feel the smooth metal probes and/or plates touching your skin.  Some patients will feel a tiny pulse, vibration, or an occasional gentle prickling sensation.  Have no concern.  If there is ANY discomfort whatsoever, [...]

What will the treatment feel like?2023-11-03T15:53:29+00:00

How long does the relief last?

The results are cumulative; that is, the benefits accumulate over time.  This is true both for pain relief as well as for returning to normal use and unrestricted range of motion.  Once this state is achieved during a series of treatments, the relief will last longer and longer with each additional treatment. The goal, of [...]

How long does the relief last?2024-07-02T19:18:48+00:00

How long does a treatment take?

A treatment may take 30 minutes, one hour, or 90 minutes, depending on the extent of the problem(s) and the number of treatments you have already had.  For example, it takes longer to treat the shoulders, neck and back than to treat a smaller area such as a painful wrist or ankle.  Also, a full [...]

How long does a treatment take?2023-11-03T15:52:11+00:00

Who provides treatment with the Acuscope and Myopulse System?

This beneficial biotechnology is currently being used by professional athletic teams, sports medicine practices, hospitals, and by doctors, nurses, and therapists in healthcare facilities throughout the world.  According to widespread publicity, many outstanding athletes have been significantly helped by Electro-Acuscope treatments.  Joe Montana (49ers) and Terry Bradshaw (Steelers) are two of the first star football [...]

Who provides treatment with the Acuscope and Myopulse System?2023-11-03T15:51:39+00:00

What is the Myopulse?

Companion instrument to the Acuscope, the Myopulse is microcurrent EMS (Electrical Muscle Stim) for treating painful syndromes in connective tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia).  Unlike any other Electrical Stim modality, biofeedback from the tissue enables the Myopulse to “read” the electrical properties of contractile cells and send in corrective waveforms that reduce knots, spasms, [...]

What is the Myopulse?2023-11-04T18:34:15+00:00

I already use the Acuscope, but I don’t really understand it. Can you help with that?

Understanding is the key to optimizing results.  A few new insights might make all the difference in the outcomes achieved.  Sometimes one feature eludes your comprehension and that reduces the technology’s efficiency.  Get in touch.  We’ll delve into each component so you are clear and can derive the best results your equipment can provide.

I already use the Acuscope, but I don’t really understand it. Can you help with that?2023-11-03T15:48:04+00:00

I am already treating people, but I want to take my work to the next level. Is there more to this technology than the basics I’ve learned?

If you haven’t learned at least 15 different General Peripheral Nervous System Treatment Techniques that have the goal of producing overall balanced conductivity and cellular charge … If you aren’t absolutely clear as to how to elicit and interpret digital and auditory feedback upon which to base your Acuscope treatment of injured tissue or particular [...]

I am already treating people, but I want to take my work to the next level. Is there more to this technology than the basics I’ve learned?2023-11-03T15:47:16+00:00

I received an amount of training when I bought my equipment, but it seemed limited. Can you customize a training program to fill in the gaps in my knowledge?

Yes.  That happens quite often.  Get in touch and we can come up with a program that takes your current level of expertise into consideration.  When you watch the videos, read and use our version of Acuscope and Myopulse Training Materials, a greater in-depth understanding will follow.  Meeting on Zoom, all questions can be answered, [...]

I received an amount of training when I bought my equipment, but it seemed limited. Can you customize a training program to fill in the gaps in my knowledge?2023-11-03T15:46:47+00:00

Do I have to travel to you to train in person?

Nope.  Nor do I travel anymore to provide training.  The in-person training experience is an inefficient waste of time and energy and expense.  Especially when there is a better way.  Since the advent of Skype, now FaceTime or Zoom, we can connect again and again anytime, as much and as often as needed, without bothering [...]

Do I have to travel to you to train in person?2023-11-03T15:46:27+00:00

How long is the course of training?

Actually, that’s entirely up to you.  Some folks are busy and must fit study and practice time into an already full schedule.  Others dive in with immediate enthusiasm, watching all of the videos, reading through all of the notebooks, opening the Documents on their flash drive or on Google Drive on any device.  If you [...]

How long is the course of training?2023-11-03T15:45:54+00:00
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