What results can be expected from treatment?

In areas of acute tissue damage/trauma, the pain, swelling, heat and inflammation decreases; this is frequently observable during treatment. Because the influence of the Acuscope helps to further increase cellular metabolic activity, the speed of natural tissue self-repair is accelerated. "Speedier recovery" than would otherwise be expected is frequently reported (post-injury and post-op). When tissue [...]

What results can be expected from treatment?2023-07-16T02:40:47+00:00

What happens on a cellular level when tissue is injured?

The Biochemistry of Injury: Following injury, damaged cells in injured tissue immediately “amp up” as they kick into action, initiating multiple self-repair mechanisms. They begin discharging certain bio-chemical substances, (such as arachidonic acid, a component of the phospholipid structure of the cell membrane itself) from wounds into their immediate surroundings. From this, prostaglandins are synthesized, [...]

What happens on a cellular level when tissue is injured?2023-11-04T18:31:06+00:00
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