More Time
for What
Matters Most
“My Acuscope practice gives me the flexible schedule my family needs.”
—Tyler V., RN
More Time for What Matters Most
“My Acuscope practice gives me the flexible schedule my family needs.”
—Tyler V., RN
Many nurses are looking for a new way to help people, one that gives them back their autonomy, their schedule, and their work-life balance.
Patient Care
Peace of Mind
“Finally I can provide care in the way I truly think is best.”
—Emily P., NP
Patient Care
Peace of Mind
“Finally I can provide care in the way I truly think is best.”
—Emily P., NP

“I knew I was facing burnout. I wanted to use the degree I worked so hard for, but I also wanted a way to help patients that wasn’t so draining for me. Something that made a real improvement in their lives, but that also felt sustainable for me in the long term.” —Luke G., RN

Remarkable Results
for 45 Years
“I can hardly go into town now without someone coming up to me to rave about how well they or their family members are doing with the treatments.”
—Angela P., RN
Remarkable Results
for 45 Years
“I can hardly go into town now without someone coming up to me to rave about how well they or their family members are doing with the treatments.”
—Angela P., RN
From more than four decades of experience, we know that Acuscope-Myopulse microcurrent technology can truly make a difference in people’s lives. As a nurse, you have the opportunity to bring non-invasive pain and stress relief to your community. Enjoy the gratitude of friends, family, patients, and local medical practitioners who will gladly refer cases to you for this unique and profoundly effective neuromuscular treatment program.
A Complete System
Acuscope 80T, Myopulse 75T,
and Myopulse 75TN
- FDA Registered
- Biofeedback-Driven Microcurrent
- Acute and Chronic Conditions
- Pain Relief; Not Pain-Blocking
- Boosts Cellular Self-repair
- Accelerates Injury Recovery
- Pre-op Prep
- Post-op Rehab
- Reduces Anxiety and Tension
A Complete System
Acuscope 80T
Myopulse 75T
Myopulse 75TN
- FDA Registered
- Biofeedback-Driven Microcurrent
- Acute and Chronic Conditions
- Pain Relief; Not Pain-Blocking
- Boosts Cellular Self-repair
- Accelerates Injury Recovery
- Pre-op Prep
- Post-op Rehab
- Reduces Anxiety and Tension
Unlike typical pain control devices, the Acuscope and Myopulse don’t simply provide blind output. They employ sophisticated microchip technology to analyze real-time biofeedback input. The Acuscope, with its digital display and auditory feedback, pinpoints areas of acute tissue inflammation and depletion, allowing precise intervention. It sends appropriate signals to recharge depleted areas and disperse congestion in inflamed regions.
Similarly, the Myopulse identifies abnormal tightness and injuries in connective tissue. It targets areas where muscles, tendons, ligaments, or fascia are weakened or scarred. Myopulse delivers tailored treatments based on this feedback, releasing constriction and boosting the electrical potentials of underactive cells. With a series of treatments, strength is restored, pain subsides, and mobility returns. Often seen even in severe and previously hopeless cases.
Acuscope and Myopulse treatments are completely comfortable. Patients experience no sensation of the microcurrent during stimulation.
“As a CNA who has worked in nursing homes and Home Health Care for years, I am so much happier with my new job assisting a nurse in her Acuscope practice. It feels so great to finally be providing something to people that lets me see benefits that show up in their physical and mental state. This feels like you’re making a difference. It’s a fresh start professionally. I have a real sense of pride in my work now.” —Andrea P., CNA

for Nurses
and Their Assistants
Flexible Training Tailored to You
for Nurses
and Their Assistants
Flexible Training Tailored to You
Our Online Training allows you to work at your own pace as you master the fundamentals of microcurrent using Acuscope technology. Power through the entire course in a weekend or fit it in around your busy schedule over several weeks; the Online Training was designed with you in mind.
Live Zoom Training sessions also offer the flexibility nurses need: choose meeting days and times that work for you as you learn and practice in the comfort and convenience of your own home or treatment space.
Our specialized program for nurses makes available hands-on, in-person training under the caring and knowledgeable supervision of a fellow nurse who is currently an Acuscope and Myopulse Practitioner.
Hiring assistants? We have the experience and training systems to help you get them up to speed in no time.
Speak to a fellow nurse, not a salesperson.
Call or Text now (702) 376 – 4727 or read on to learn more about the uses of the Acuscope and Myopulse System.

Who Else
Uses This Technology
Who Else Uses This Technology
All Types of Healthcare Professionals
- APRN/NP Nurse Practitioners
- RN Registered Nurses
- LPN/LVN Licensed Vocational Nurses
- MD Medical Doctors
- DO Doctors of Osteopathy
- DC Doctors of Chiropractic
- RPT Registered Physical Therapists
- LAC Licensed Acupuncturists
Patients at Home for Self-Care
For many years, the Acuscope and Myopulse have been used at home to achieve optimal wellness: relieving pain issues, eliminating stress, and promoting better sleep. Physician’s prescription required.
Professional Sports Teams
Since the early 1980s, Sports Trainers and Therapists for Super Bowl and Major League Championship teams have used this technology to accelerate injury recovery and to bring about faster and more complete post-op rehabilitation. It is now becoming widely accepted as an integral part of conditioning programs even for uninjured players, promoting mental clarity, physical muscle tone, and strength.
Microcurrent muscle stim is within the Esthetician’s scope of practice; the Myopulse 75TN is the most advanced and effective microcurrent modality available. Around the world, Estheticians are offering the ultimate microcurrent face lift: rejuvenating skin and reviving underlying muscle tone. Facial features look lifted and younger. Eye bags, jowls, lines and wrinkles disappear.
“My practice grew by leaps and bounds once a few local doctors came to try it for themselves. They had different complaints: neuropathy, back pain, and a repetitive injury. Now the doctors are back on their feet pain free and they are referring so many patients for ‘microcurrent TENS and EMS Acuscope and Myopulse’ PRN for pain and stress. I couldn’t be happier!” —Susan H., RN
of Use
“One of my favorite things about the Acuscope is how much good it does for my patients with neuropathy.”
—Tyler V., RN
Benefits of Use
“One of my favorite things about the Acuscope is how much good it does for my patients with neuropathy.”
—Angela P., RN

If you are dedicated to not just managing, but eliminating the cause of painful conditions, this biotechnology is essential. It is greatly appreciated by patients, their family members, and referring doctors.
In addition, over the past 40 years, this advanced and sophisticated biotechnology has shown significant improvement in many cases otherwise considered hopeless and irreversible, including paralysis and stroke recovery.
Acute Pain Immediately-
After injury, Acuscope and Myopulse treatment reduces swelling and inflammation, fights wound infection, and produces immediate pain relief.
Repetitive Motion and Overuse Syndromes-
Persistent overuse of certain muscles can lead to stiff and painful joints.
When arthritis and neuropathy are reduced, pain disappears.
Beneficial Pre-surgical Preparation-
Prepare for surgery by relaxing the mind and optimizing circulation, simultaneously enhancing tissue vitality in the affected area.
Nagging Chronic Pain-
Improving tissue conductivity, reactivating cellular metabolism, and improving blood flow means even old chronic issues can be eliminated.
Mobility and Range of MotionAccelerate
Post-Surgical RehabilitationRevive
Neuromuscular Vitality and Boost Overall EnergyReduce
Anxiety, Sustained Stress, and PTSDRejuvenate
Nerves and Muscles at a Cellular Level-
A series of systemic well-being treatments improves bioelectricity, boosting nervous system and connective tissue vitality and restoring tissue to a healthier state.
Speak to a teacher, a mentor, a coach.
Call or Text now (702) 376 – 4727 or read on to learn more about each of the Instruments that comprise the Acuscope-Myopulse System.
Considered the category-creator when it was introduced in 1978, the Acuscope—now in its sixth generation—is still the most advanced therapeutic biotechnology in its field.
It is the only nerve stimulation modality to combine biofeedback input with microamperage output. As an Input/Output (I/O) device, it is programmed to acquire information from the tissue between the electrodes, analyze the data for abnormalities, and configure and deliver a corrective influence in gentle, biologically-compatible square waves of microcurrent electricity. By this process—which is completely comfortable—the Acuscope can restore healthier nerve transmissions throughout the Nervous System: boosting cellular metabolism, promoting regeneration of damaged nerve tissue, and resolving many stubborn pain and stress syndromes commonly seen today.
Remarkable Results for 45 Years
- FDA Registered
- Non-invasive transcutaneous nerve stimulation
- Biologically compatible microcurrent square wave output
- Completely comfortable; no sensation during treatment
- Improves nerve cell metabolism
- Boosts natural cellular self-repair mechanisms
- Accelerates resolution of both acute and chronic conditions
- Addresses impaired nerve conductivity
- Accelerates dispersal of acute swelling
- Reduces inflammation
- Rejuvenates depleted or atrophied tissue
- Safely restores brainwaves to relaxing frequencies
- Relieves stress and anxiety
- Promotes improved sleep patterns
- Contributes to resolution of many Nervous System issues
- Beneficial pre-surgical conditioning
- Reduced pain and quicker recovery post-op
New Features and Upgraded Programming
- The most advanced model available – Acuscope 80T
- Improved impedance monitoring precision
- Expanded biofeedback programming
- Now addresses the Autonomic Nervous System in addition to the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems
- Gain Spectrum refined for greater accuracy
- Faster resolution of painful conditions
- Choice of Polarity (never available on any previous model Acuscope)
- Simultaneous use of Mode-1 and Mode-2
- Mode-2 offers even higher Frequencies than Mode-1 for hyper-acute tissue damage including bleeding for critical emergency clinical applications
Introduced in 1983 and similarly unique in its field, the Myopulse is programmed to pick up biofeedback input from the connective tissue, analyze it, and deliver its output in pulse trains of biocompatible sinusoidal microcurrent waveforms. This read-treat process serves to help resolve issues in muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. After an injury, tissue damage, surgery, unidentified pain, restricted movement, joint inflammation, scarring, or from poor circulation, faster resolution and full recovery typically result from a series of treatments. As a bonus: Myopulse treatment is deeply soothing to the area being addressed.
Remarkable results for over 40 years
- FDA Registered
- Non-invasive transcutaneous muscle stimulation
- Upgraded T Model Technology
- Biologically compatible microcurrent sine wave output
- Completely comfortable; no sensation during treatment
- Applied directly to large connective tissue structures: hamstrings, glutes, biceps, calves, chest and back muscles, as well as hip, shoulder, and other joints
- Produces immediate relief from tightness, knots, spasms, sprains, strains and tension
- Reduces the pain of injury
- Restores circulation in muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia
- Speedier dispersal of acute swelling
- Reduces inflammation
- Improves muscle strength and tone where depleted
- Rejuvenates atrophied connective tissue
- Boosts natural cellular self-repair mechanisms
- Accelerates recovery after surgery
- Contributes to resolution of many painful Connective Tissue Conditions
Indications per FDA Registration
- Relaxation of muscle spasm
- Prevention or retardation of tissue atrophy
- Increasing local blood circulation
- Muscle re-education
- Immediate postsurgical stimulation of calf muscles to prevent venous thrombosis
- Maintaining or increasing range of motion
Programmed to treat the smaller, delicate, more superficial muscles of the head, neck, face and the skin, this calibration of the Myopulse is ideal for treating issues such as TMJ, whiplash, traumatic brain injuries, and skin problems including scar tissue. This modality is also popular with Estheticians offering the ultimate non-invasive Microcurrent Face Lift, producing rejuvenation to the facial features, contours, and skin tone that are unsurpassed by any other microcurrent device.
Remarkable results for over 30 years
- FDA Registered
- Non-invasive transcutaneous muscle stimulation
- Upgraded T Model Technology
- Biologically compatible microcurrent sine wave output
- Completely comfortable during treatment
- Pain management indications include TMJ, Bell’s Palsy, TBI, neck pain,
whiplash, and other head, neck, and face conditions - Can also be applied to any body area
- Effective in treating pain in small joints of fingers and toes
- Releases knots, tightness, constriction, and smooths muscle fiber
- Improves connective tissue cellular vitality
- Improves circulation and blood flow
- Speeds post- surgical recovery
- Promotes wound healing
Esthetic Applications
- The ultimate microcurrent facelift modality
- Stimulates production of collagen and elastin
- Rejuvenates skin texture
- Improves muscle tone underlying facial features
- Smooths and tightens sagging skin
- Lifts droopy eye lids
- Firms and redefines jowls and cheeks
- Reduces lines, wrinkles, and scars
- Effective in eliminating stretch marks
- Decreases post-surgical discomfort and recovery time
- Post-surgical skin rejuvenation
- Controls rosacea
- Eliminates dark circles under eyes
- Reduces sun damage and age spots
- Helps to disperse cellulite
Speak to our lead trainer, Jan Dacri, M.A., Edu.
Call or Text now (702) 376 – 4727 or read on to learn more about our renowned training program.
Online Training
Work at Your Own Pace as You Complete a Comprehensive Introduction to the Acuscope-Myopulse Microcurrent System

Online Training
Work at Your Own Pace as You Complete a Comprehensive Introduction to the Acuscope-Myopulse Microcurrent System
A Solid House Needs a Sturdy Foundation: Learn the technology’s fundamentals and build an understanding of key concepts. Our online curriculum includes written lessons that are enhanced by photos, illustrations, and videos. Interactive quizzes reinforce your understanding and solidify key concepts, ensuring you master the material effectively and efficiently.
A Legacy of Learning: Our online training distills a lifetime of hands-on experience and dedicated study into an accessible format, ensuring a valuable and enriching learning process.
Unmatched in the Industry: The unrivaled depth of our online training is still only one facet of the Complete Training Program.
“I loved being able to work through the online training at my own pace. The videos were short and to the point, and the quizzes really reinforced my learning while also managing to be entertaining.” —Christy L., RN

Hands-On Clinical Experience
Train Under the Supervision of a Fellow Nurse in a Thriving Acuscope Practice
Hands-On Clinical Experience
Train Under the Supervision of a Fellow Nurse in a Thriving Acuscope Practice
Develop Clinical Skills: Put your fundamental knowledge to use in a real-world setting and receive real-time feedback as you grow your expertise.
See the Benefits First-Hand: Assess different types of patients to see their progress at different stages of treatment.
Observe a Functioning Business: See the ins and outs of a successful Acuscope and Myopulse clinic and gain invaluable insight into opening your own practice.
“One of the best clinical training experiences I’ve had. Participating in a practice where patients with all types of conditions were receiving Acuscope and Myopulse treatments really brought it all home. This is a highly beneficial service I can happily provide and will feel gratified to offer.” —Lisa B., RN
Zoom Training
Tailored Zoom Lessons From Acuscope Authority
Jan Dacri, M.A. Edu

Zoom Training
Tailored Zoom Lessons From Acuscope Authority
Jan Dacri, M.A. Edu
Embrace Comprehensive Training with engaging one-on-one Zoom or FaceTime sessions. A minimum of 10 if you are new to the technology; extra sessions if required, guaranteeing your mastery and confidence in fully utilizing the system.
Optimize Your Equipment Cart and Treatment Room Setup: Gain informative insights and recommendations as you create the ideal environment for comfortable treatments.
Guided Practice Sessions: Receive personalized coaching as you individually, your team, or assistants engage in hands-on practice sessions. Benefit from real-time observation and expert feedback to enhance your technical skills.
Live Patient Treatment Sessions for Training Purposes: Engage in real-world treatments (with patient consent) allowing you to refine your skills under expert guidance.
Flexible Learning Tailored to You: Enjoy the freedom to request personalized lessons addressing specific topics, making your training experience truly adaptable.
“With Jan’s supervision and coaching on Zoom, I was able to learn the treatment protocols from the comfort of my own treatment room. So convenient! I practiced between training sessions and leaned on Jan’s support until I really mastered each procedure.” —Andrew K., APRN
Written Materials
Step-by-step Treatment Protocols, Charts, Manuals, and More
Written Materials
Step-by-step Treatment Protocols, Charts, Manuals, and More
Four Decades in the Making: Lead Trainer Jan Dacri was entrusted by the creator of this groundbreaking technology to craft its original Operations Manual in 1978. A lifelong commitment to writing and refining our Training Materials has created a collection completely unrivaled in the industry.
Gain Background Understanding: Acquire in-depth knowledge about bioelectricity, the effects of microcurrent on cell physiology, and the fascinating biofeedback provided by impedance-monitoring technology. Master the protocols and the ability to explain to patients how and why their pain and stress can be eliminated by Acuscope and Myopulse treatments.
Important Paperwork, Ready for Use: We understand that launching an Acuscope-Myopulse practice is a significant step. To facilitate your seamless transition into operating a fully-functioning business, we’ve created detailed paperwork, from patient intake forms and informational handouts to record-keeping charts and more!
We’ve gone digital! You can now use your preferred device to easily access electronic copies of the entire library of printed material, then explore dozens of additional articles and guides to enrich your training journey.
Start Your
With Us
Start Your Journey
with Us
We are Here to Support You
Start Your
With Us
Start Your Journey
with Us
We are Here to Support You
We are Here to Support You
Call or Text
(702) 376-4727
Or reach out through our contact form and we will get in touch ASAP.
Hit the ground running: All new instrument purchases come with a Training Program unless you’re already an experienced practitioner.
We’ve got you covered: Whether you’re ordering a complete system, adding additional instruments, or introducing new electrodes, we’re here for you.
Our Training is comprehensive: An online training program, videos, operations manuals, detailed photo-illustrated protocols, live Zoom sessions, and optional in-person training will cover everything you need to know.
A Lifetime of Support: Personalized assistance via email, text messages, and phone calls are available indefinitely. We are here for you!