Tip of the Day #1: Endocrine Glands
Did Kou Know that the Endocrine Glands are Centers of Energy Production in the Body?
As they secrete their hormones into the system, there is an associated electrical field created by their activity that can be detected by biofeedback, and picked up by the Acuscope.
The bioelectricity generated into these discrete fields surrounding each gland can become depleted when hormonal production is exhausted; for example, PTSD and/or prolonged stress (“fight or flight mode”) may cause “Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome.” Weak adrenals = weak bioelectricity in that vicinity. The Thyroid Glands can be fatigued as well; as can the Pancreas when the host is Diabetic and no longer secreting Insulin; not to mention the diminished secretions of the reproductive glands, (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.) especially in later years, or after surgical procedures.
Here is how you, as a Biotechnician using the Acuscope, can put this information to practical use to help those you are treating in your practice, and yourself!

Using the Y-Probe (especially with feedback from the Acuscope 80T) you can determine if any endocrine gland zone is depleted.
Place the tips horizontally, bridging the spine, with the Active Tip to the right side of the spine, at these seven locations:
- Starting at the sacrum (tailbone) for the reproductive glands;
- Just at L4-L5 (lower lumbar between the hip bones, behind the belly button) for the pancreas;
- Directly behind the solar plexus (where the ribcage meets in front) for the adrenals;
- Between the shoulder blades (at heart level) for the thymus;
- At T1, the top thoracic vertebrae (just below where the neck bends), for the thyroid;
- At the center of the neck, C3, for the pituitary;
- And at the very top of the spine, at the atlas/axis for the pineal gland.

I suggest that you place the Y-Probe at each level along the spine, and take a reading with the Acuscope, (prior to any stimulation), adjusting the Gain to provide feedback that shows the relative resistance from one level to the next and the next.
Squirt Solution CEL-0144 in a small plastic cup and “dip-touch” at each level.
Adjust the Gain until you reach the Maximum Readout for your Acuscope. (Do not stimulate until all measurements are taken.) Make notes in your Patient Records using the chart provided in the Training Materials for PART ONE – Treatment Two.
Call this a measurement of the electrical potentials of the endocrine system, the energy production capability of the glands.
To boost and balance, one could then stimulate each level using the Y-Probe. First with 0.5 Hz (1 to 3 X 12 second stimulations); then 8 or 10 Hz (1 to 3 X 12 second stimulations).
NOTE: Do all 0.5 stimulations prior to changing Frequency to 8 or 10. In other words, 1 X 12 seconds per level, beginning at the bottom, working your way up THREE TIMES. Then, change Frequency and apply 1 X 12 seconds at 8 or 10 THREE TIMES.
Once the bioelectricity in the vicinity of each endocrine gland is boosted, overall vitality is regenerated. In severely depleted cases, a series of sessions is required to produce balance and holding, long-lasting results. As in everything, there is a cumulative effect over time to achieve the greatest benefits.
Mini Plates
Another electrode approach for this purpose, would be to attach Mini-Plate Placement Electrodes in place at each of these levels bilaterally along the spinal column and plug them in two at a time.
*Be sure to place the Active Electrode on the right-hand side of the spinal column.
All should have Straight Lead Wires attached. Use CEL-0071B. Tape in place.
- Use 1 X 1s at the sacrum, solar plexus, and cervical/thoracic.
- Use 2 X 2s between the hips;
- and 1 X 3s between the shoulder blades.
- Attach Ear Clips to address pituitary
- Attach Head Band with velcro in front, to access pineal.
- (With Ear Clips and Head Band use CEL-0144.)
Beginning at the base of the Spine, activate each set of electrodes for biofeedback measurement by plugging in each set of two wires at a time.
Treat for one minute on 0.5 Hz; one set at a time; then, treat for one minute on 8 or 10 Hz.