What can I do to help get the best results?

Be sure to increase your intake of pure, clean water to flush out the by-products of enhanced cellular metabolism.  This is a healthy habit in general and especially advisable during your course of Acuscope and Myopulse Sessions. TAKE SIPS OF WATER CONTINUOUSLY THROUGHOUT EACH DAY. Pay close attention.  In the first few hours after a [...]

What can I do to help get the best results?2023-11-04T18:32:38+00:00

During my treatment, I noticed the various sounds and the numbers on the display. What do they mean?

Incorporating the most advanced biofeedback technology into its circuitry, the Acuscope and Myopulse are capable of detecting subtle electrical blockages and imbalances in the painful areas of the body. Blocked and/or low conductivity may be heard as a low pitched tone from the Acuscope’s auditory (sound) feedback, and is seen as corresponding numbers reading low [...]

During my treatment, I noticed the various sounds and the numbers on the display. What do they mean?2023-11-03T15:57:42+00:00

Is there anyone who should not be treated?

Almost anyone can be safely treated under a doctor’s supervision.  Pregnant women should be treated ONLY in their Gynecologist’s office.  People prone to seizures should not be treated unless they are under medical supervision of a neurologist or other brain specialist. No one with a Pacemaker for heart arrhythmia should have these treatments as the [...]

Is there anyone who should not be treated?2023-11-03T15:56:52+00:00

My pain seems to be stress related. Can the Electro-Acuscope help me?

Yes!  This therapy is renowned as highly effective stress management, especially when combined with Healthy Lifestyle Habits.  It can relax the nerves and give relief to muscles, improve circulation, and help you learn how to release tension.  If you are under excessive stress or your pain is obviously stress-related, your Biotechnician will apply general systemic [...]

My pain seems to be stress related. Can the Electro-Acuscope help me?2023-11-03T15:56:01+00:00

If I have tried many other forms of therapy with little lasting relief, can Acuscope treatments help me?

Probably!  The Acuscope System delivers a different type of treatment than any other form of pain management.  Many patients are treated with this system after many other methods have failed. It is very often effective where nothing else has been able to help before.

If I have tried many other forms of therapy with little lasting relief, can Acuscope treatments help me?2023-11-03T15:55:41+00:00

How long does it take for the treatment to begin to work and how many treatments will I need?

Often a patient will feel immediate results during or within several hours after the first treatment.  A single treatment is commonly followed by hours of relief.  Occasionally the relief from a single treatment is permanent; however, this is quite uncommon. Usually, a series of sessions (seven to eleven) is necessary to complete the job of [...]

How long does it take for the treatment to begin to work and how many treatments will I need?2023-11-04T18:33:36+00:00

Are there any side effects from the treatments?

There are no true side effects; that is, there are no long-term side effects.  Occasionally, some temporary discomfort may be experienced after the first or first few treatments.  The possibilities include headache and/or slight nausea if you have tissue toxicity.  It will quickly subside, do not be concerned.  In an injured area, you may possibly [...]

Are there any side effects from the treatments?2023-11-03T15:54:44+00:00

What will touch my skin during treatment?

The points of contact with the body are generally moistened with a specially formulated (Electrolyte) wetting solution or cream.  The probes have rounded metal tips that are applied in a gentle pressure-point massaging fashion on the skin; the electrode plates are held in place with light adhesive tape; the rollers slide easily over muscles and [...]

What will touch my skin during treatment?2023-11-03T15:53:57+00:00
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