How do the Acuscope and Myopulse provide operator feedback?

The Acuscope has a digital (number) display and produces auditory (sound) tones that allow for intelligent Operator control. An Acuscope Bio-Technician who is well-trained will know how to apply General Nervous System Well-Being Procedures, for example, by understanding that the readouts allow for detection of precise locations where highly conductive AcuPoints are located, these points [...]

How do the Acuscope and Myopulse provide operator feedback?2023-11-03T15:23:32+00:00

What is the Meaning of Impedance-Monitoring?

When injury to living tissue occurs, pain receptors and nerve endings disperse chemicals (such as histamine) into the damaged tissue.  Once these elements accumulate, congestion occurs and eventually resistance increases.  The bioelectricity takes the path of least resistance through the area and cellular metabolism is reduced.  This is called impedance since this causes impeded (blocked or [...]

What is the Meaning of Impedance-Monitoring?2023-11-03T15:22:51+00:00

What is the difference between the Acuscope and the Myopulse if they are both microcurrent devices?

Both units are Input/Output (I/O) devices. They differ in their programming in terms of biofeedback acquired from the tissue; and their waveform that delivers a corrective influence. The Acuscope is programmed to “pick-up” biofeedback (Input) from nerves and generate microcurrent square wave (Output) which influences the nerves and improves the conduction of neurotransmitter [...]

What is the difference between the Acuscope and the Myopulse if they are both microcurrent devices?2023-11-15T03:21:50+00:00

Why is this particular equipment considered the premier microcurrent system?

The Acuscope was first introduced in 1978. It is still the only “intelligent” impedance-monitoring, biofeedback-regulated, microamperage therapeutic technology available today. As stated previously, the Acuscope and Myopulse can deliver precision waveforms (appropriate current formation) based on biofeedback from the tissue being assessed and treated. No other device on the market derives feedback (input) from the [...]

Why is this particular equipment considered the premier microcurrent system?2024-08-16T16:10:54+00:00

What makes Acuscope and Myopulse microcurrent biotechnology unique?

Unlike all other microcurrent (and milli-Amperage) electrical stimulation devices, the Acuscope and Myopulse are not “blind output only.”  In contrast, the Acuscope and Myopulse perform an intelligent interaction utilizing sophisticated microchip circuity to acquire biofeedback input, analyze abnormalities, and deliver individualized output (“an infinitely variable waveform envelope”). The Acuscope has a digital (number) display and [...]

What makes Acuscope and Myopulse microcurrent biotechnology unique?2023-11-03T15:20:57+00:00

What is microcurrent and why does it help cause accelerated tissue repair?

Electricity is measured as Amperage—for example, if you plug a hair dryer into a wall outlet and switch it on, the outlet will generate 12 Amps. A TENS device for pain management generates milliAmps (mA); a milliAmp is one thousandth of an Amp (A or Ampere). Ordinary Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators generate milliAmperage current that [...]

What is microcurrent and why does it help cause accelerated tissue repair?2024-01-07T15:29:16+00:00

How is microcurrent different from common TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) and EMS (Electrical Muscle Stim)?

Ordinary TENS devices, very popular in pain management today, send a blast of milli-Amperage electricity directly into the tissue in order to temporarily block pain signals from reaching the brain.  TENS modalities are basically used like an analgesic pain-suppressing medication.  However, the “Pain Gate” effect activated by strong current has been proven to inhibit mitochondrial [...]

How is microcurrent different from common TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) and EMS (Electrical Muscle Stim)?2023-11-03T15:15:50+00:00

Are these instruments FDA registered?

Yes. The Electro-Acuscope is FDA registered as a Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation device. However, unlike ordinary TENS which serves to temporarily block pain signals with a blast of milli-amperage current, the highly sophisticated Acuscope helps to resolve underlying issues at a cellular level by communicating through biocompatible microcurrents. It is literally non-invasive and without discomfort [...]

Are these instruments FDA registered?2023-11-03T15:12:41+00:00
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