I Received Limited Training from Someone Else. Can You Tell Me How to Get the Best Possible Results with this Technology?

Answer: Absolutely! We deliver the utmost benefit from this technology when we provide the FOUR PARTS of a COMPLETE TREATMENT. In PART ONE of each treatment session we use the Acuscope to treat the body as a whole. This incredibly important step: Restores conductivity to the entire Peripheral Nervous System. Generally realigns and [...]

I Received Limited Training from Someone Else. Can You Tell Me How to Get the Best Possible Results with this Technology?2023-12-17T14:50:03+00:00

How Do You Decide Which Acupoints to Use?

Hi Jan,I have a question about your Treatment Procedures Program, PART ONE. You indicate that we are to use "Master Points" - same one on each Meridian both sides for "Horizontals" (Procedure #1) and two on the same Meridian for "Verticals (Procedure #8) for up-and-down each Meridian. How did you decide which AcuPoints to [...]

How Do You Decide Which Acupoints to Use?2023-12-01T03:57:55+00:00

What is the Best Setting to Increase Facial Muscle Tone on the Myopulse 75TN?

Answer: If you open your Flash Drive—the one with all the documents that was included in your Training Materials—you will find explicit step-by-step instructions. Look at the folder called: “12 - Facial Training Materials” Open document called:“3 - Probes Used for Facial Rejuvenation” to see all the ways this can be done. The most [...]

What is the Best Setting to Increase Facial Muscle Tone on the Myopulse 75TN?2023-12-01T03:54:15+00:00

Is There a Setting or Treatment Protocol that Would Boost One’s Energy and Alertness, Like a Cup of Coffee?

Answer: Yes. Yes. Yes. Most people are unbelievably depleted and that has to be handled first.In PART ONE of a Complete Treatment, we focus on the peripheral nervous system until it can conduct nerve messages to the fingers and toes without impeded or uneven resistance. In PART FOUR, we recondition the central nervous system [...]

Is There a Setting or Treatment Protocol that Would Boost One’s Energy and Alertness, Like a Cup of Coffee?2023-12-17T02:42:31+00:00

How Do the Acuscope and Myopulse Help Athletic Injury Recovery?

Even the Healthiest Tissue Becomes Depleted After Injury The cells in the tissue of healthy young athletes are capable of highly-efficient self-repair after injury. However, even the healthiest tissue becomes depleted in its effort to repair and replace damaged cells post trauma.Like recharging thousands of tiny electrolytic batteries, cellular charge is restored by Acuscope and [...]

How Do the Acuscope and Myopulse Help Athletic Injury Recovery?2024-02-10T15:02:12+00:00

How Would I Use the Acuscope to do Iontophoresis?

Answer: The Acuscope and Myopulse were not designed for this purpose. Iontophoresis uses electrical stimulation to drive medication into the body. This is generally done with a direct current stimulator. Dr. Nebrensky, the inventor, never suggested that the Acuscope be used to do iontophoresis. The issue, primarily, is that the coupling agent required [...]

How Would I Use the Acuscope to do Iontophoresis?2023-12-01T03:24:44+00:00

Is the Probe that’s Placed on the Injured Site the Positive End of the Electricity? Meaning, are Electrons Being Pushed Out of the Probe Head Into the Body?

Answer: The Trigger Probe Tip (or any electrode plugged into the red ring jack) both delivers the corrective influence into the tissue and also picks up biofeedback. We now call it the “Active” electrode. The other probe (or any electrode plugged into the blue ring jack) is called the “Reference” electrode. During feedback [...]

Is the Probe that’s Placed on the Injured Site the Positive End of the Electricity? Meaning, are Electrons Being Pushed Out of the Probe Head Into the Body?2023-12-17T03:44:14+00:00

What Does the Neuroscope Do Differently than the Acuscope and Myopulse?

Answer: Acuscope PART ONE and PART FOUR Treatment Procedures are designed to produce a comprehensive effect on the nervous system when applied over a series of treatments. The Neuroscope can help to prolong and further produce similar benefits. It is a follow-through to provide self-maintenance when used at home. Unlike the Myopulse, which directs [...]

What Does the Neuroscope Do Differently than the Acuscope and Myopulse?2023-12-17T03:46:19+00:00
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